高春清,北京理工大学教授,博士生导师。1989年和1992年在北京理工大学分获学士和硕士,1999年在德国柏林工业大学获博士学位。2001年起为北京理工大学教授,2002年起为博士生导师。研究方向为新型激光器件与技术,光电子技术与应用。近年来作为项目负责人主持承担了国家自然科学基金委、总装 备 部、科技部、教育部等的纵向项目及横向项目20余项,发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI检索百余篇,EI 检索百余篇。获得发明专利授权17项。出版著作2部,合编教材1本。获得部级科技进步二、三等奖各1项。2005年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。多次受邀担任国际光电子领域学术会议中的专题主席。主要社会兼职包括中国光学学会理事,中国电子学会光电子与量子电子学分会副主任委员,中国光学学会激光专业委员会委员,中国光学学会光电专业委员会常委,中国仪器仪表学会光机电技术与系统集成分会常务理事,全国光学与光子学标准化技术委员会电子光学系统分委员会副主任委员,全国光辐射和激光设备标准化委员会委员,《先进激光技术》丛书编委、Frontiers of Opto-Electronics、《激光与红外》、《红外与激光工程》、《应用光学》、《激光杂志》等刊物编委等。
1989.9-1992.3 北京理工大学光电工程系硕士研究生,获得硕士学位
1996.1-1999.3 德国柏林工业大学物理系博士研究生,获博士学位。
1992.04-1995.12 北京理工大学光电工程系任助教、讲师;
1999.04-2001.07 北京理工大学光电工程系光电子技术教研室,副教授
2001.08-2002.12 北京理工大学光电工程系光电子技术教研室,教授
2003.01-2008.12 北京理工大学信息科学技术学院光电子所,教授,博士生导师
2009.01-至今 北京理工大学光电学院光电子所,教授,博士生导师
1.国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目:基于1.645μm全固态单频脉冲激光器的人眼安全远程相干激光测风雷 达,2017-2021,项目负责人
7.教育部博士点基金:谐振泵浦的1.645微米全固态单频激光技术研究, 2011-2013,课题负责人,已结题
1.Liu Y; Gao C*; Qi X; Weber H, Orbital angular momentum spectrum correction in free space optical communication, Optics Express, 16(10),7091-7101,2008
2.Liu Y, Gao C*, Gao M, et al,Superposition and detection of two helical beams for optical orbital angular momentum communication,Opt Commun, 281(14), 3636-3639,2008
3.Z. Lin, C. Gao*, M. Gao, et al, Diode-pumped single-frequency microchip CTH:YAG lasers using different pump spot diameters Appl Phys B: Lasers and Optics,94(1), 81–84
4.C. Gao, M. Gao, Y. Zhang, et al, Stable single-frequency output at 2.01 μm from a diode-pumped monolithic double diffusion-bonded Tm:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator at room temperature, Optics Letters. Vol. 34, No. 19, 3029-3031,2009
5.Y Zhang, C GAO*, M Gao, et al, A diode pumped tunable single-frequency Tm:YAG laser using twisted-mode technique, Laser Physics Letter. Vol.7, No.1, 17-20, 2010
6.C Gao, X Qi, Y Liu, H Weber,Superposition of helical beams by using a Michelson interferometer,Optics Express, Vol.18, No.1, 72-77, 2010.
7.齐晓庆,高春清*,刘义东,利用相位型衍射光栅生成能量按比例分布的多个螺旋光束的研究,物理学报,Vol.59, No.1, p264-270, 2010.(SCI) IF 1.165
8.Z Lin, X Wang, F Kallmeyer, H.J.Eichler, C Gao, Single frequency operation of a tunable injection-seeded Nd:GSAG Q-switched laser around 942nm, Optics Express, 18(6),6131-6136, 2010
9.Gao C, Qi X, Liu Y, Xin J, Wang L, Sorting and detecting orbital angular momentum states by using a Dove prism embedded Mach-Zehnder interferometer and amplitude gratings, Optics Communications, 284(1), 48-51, 2011
10.C Gao,R.Wang,Z Lin,et al 2 μm single-frequency Tm:YAG laser generated from a diode-pumped L-shaped twisted mode cavity,Appl Phys B: Lasers and Optics, 107(1), 67-70, 2012
11.C Gao, R Wang, L Zhu, et al Resonantly pumped 1.645 μm high repetition rate Er:YAG laser Q-switched by a graphene as a saturable absorber, Optics Letters 37(4), 632-634, 2012.
12.Zhu L, Gao C*, Wang R, et al Resonantly pumped 1.645 μm single longitudinal mode Er:YAG laser with intra-cavity etalons, Applied Optics, 51(10), 1616-1618 (2012).
13.Gao C, Zhu L, Wang R, et al, 6.1 W single frequency laser output at 1645 nm from a resonantly pumped Er:YAG non-planar ring oscillator, Optics Letters 37(11), 1859–1861 (2012)
14.Zhu L, Gao C*, Wang R, et al, Fiber-bulk hybrid Er:YAG laser with 1617 nm single frequency laser output, Laser Phy. Lett., 9(9), 674-677, (2012)
15.J Xin, C Gao*, Chen Li,et al, Measuring orbital angular momentum of helical beams by spatially variable retardation plates, Applied Physics B-Laser and Optics, Vol.108, 703-706, 2012
16.J Xin, C Gao,* Chen Li, et al,Generation of polarization vortices with a Wollaston prism and an interferometric arrangement, Applied Optics, 51(29),7094-7097, 2012
17.Wang L, Gao C*, Gao M, et al, Diode pumped 2um tunable single frequency Tm:LuAG laser with intracavity etalons, Applied Optics 52(6), 1272-1275, 2013. (SCI)
18.Zheng Y; Gao C*; Wang R; et al,Single frequency 1645 nm Er:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator resonantly pumped by a 1470 nm laser diode,Optics Letters, 38(5), 784-786, 2013 (SCI)
19.R Wang, C Gao*, L Zhu, et al Continuous-wave and Q-switched operation of a resonantly pumped U-shaped Er: YAG laser at 1617 and 1645 nm. Laser Phys. Lett., 2013, 10(2): 025802
20.R. Wang, C.Q. Gao*, Y. Zheng et al Resonantly pumped 1645 nm Er:YAG non-planar ring oscillator with 10.5 W single frequency output. IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.25(10),2013;
21.L Wang, C Gao*, M Gao, et al, Resonantly pumped monolithic nonplanar Ho:YAG ring laser with high-power single-frequency laser output at 2122 nm. Opt. Exp., 2013, 21(8): 9541-9546
22.L Wang, C Gao*, M Gao, et al,A resonantly-pumped tunable Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser with diffraction-limit beam quality,Optics Express, 22(1), 254-261, 2014
23.R Wang, Q Ye, C GAO*, Resonantly pumped acousto-optic Q-switched Er:YAG lasers at 1617 and 1645 nm,Applied Optics, 53(10),2093-2096,2014
24.Xin J, Dai K, Zhong L, Na Q, Gao C*, Generation of optical vortices by using spiral phase plates made of polarization dependent devices,Optics Letters, 39(7),1984-1987,2014
25.K Dai, C Gao*, L Zhong,et al, Measuring OAM states of light beams with gradually-changing-period gratings, Optics Letters, 40(4), 562-565 ,2015
26.S Fu, C Gao*, Y Shi, et al,Generating polarization vortices by using helical beams and a Twyman Green interferometer, Optics Letters, 40(10), 1775-1778,2015.
27.S Fu, S Zhang, T Wang, C Gao*,Measurement of orbital angular momentum spectra of multiplexing optical vortices,Optics Express, 24(6), 6240-6248, 2016
28.Fu S T WANG, S ZHANG, C GAO*, Using 5×5 integrating Dammann gratings to detect OAM states of beams with the range of -24 to +24,Applied Optics, 55(7), 1514-1517, 2016
29.Y LI, Y ZHANG, Q NA, C GAO,* et al, 34 mJ Ho:YAG ceramic master oscillator and power amplifier laser at 2097 nm,Applied Optics,55(11),2853-2857,2016
30.Q Ye, C Gao*, S Wang, et al,Single-frequency, injection-seeded Q-switched operation of resonantly pumped Er:YAG ceramic laser at 1645 nm,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 122:198(2016)
31.S FU, S ZHANG, T WANG, C GAO*, Pre-turbulence compensation of orbital angular momentum beams based on a probe and the Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm, Opt.Lett.41(14), 3185-3188, 2016
32.Q X Na, C Q Gao*, Q Wang, et al,15 mJ single-frequency Ho:YAG laser resonantly pumped by a 1.9 μm laser diode,Laser Physics Letters, 13 (2016) 095003
33.S Fu, S Zhang, T Wang, C GAO*, Rectilinear lattices of polarization vortices with various spatial polarization distributions, Optics Express 24(15), 18486-18491, 2016
34.S Fu, S Zhang, C Gao*, Bessel beams with spatial oscillating polarization, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, P. 30765 (2016)
35.S FU, T WANG, C GAO*, Generating perfect polarization vortices through encoding liquid-crystal display devices, Applied Optics, 55(23), 6501-6505, 2016
36.Y Zhang, C Gao*, Q Wang,et al Single-frequency, injection-seeded Q-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser pumped by a 1.91μm fiber-coupled LD, Opt.Exp. 24( 24), 27805-27811, 2016.
37.S Fu,C Gao*,T Wang, et al Simultaneous generation of multiple perfect polarization vortices with selective spatial states in various diffraction orders,Opt.Lett.41( 23),5454-58
38.S Fu and C Gao*,Influences of atmospheric turbulence effects on the orbital angular momentum spectra of vortex beams,Photonics Research, 4(5), B1-B4, 2016
39.T Wang,S Fu,S Zhang,C Gao*, F He, A Sagnac‑like interferometer for the generation of vector beams, Applied Physics B: (2016) 122:231
40.Q Na, C Gao*,Q Wang,et al 44 mJ, 2.1 μm single-frequency Ho:YAG amplifier, Applied Optics, 56(4), 1257-1260, 2017
41.S Fu, T Wang, S Zhang, Z Zhang, Y Zhai, C Gao*, Non-probe compensation of optical vortices carrying orbital angular momentum, Photonics Research, 5(3), 251-255, 2017
42.Q.X. Na, C. Q. Gao*, Q. Wang, et al, A single-frequency Ho:YAG laser with bow-tie architecture injected by different polarized seeders, Laser Physics Letters, Vol.14, 085002, 2017
43.S Fu, T Wang, Z Zhang, Y Zhai, C Gao*, Selective acquisition of multiple states on hybrid Poincare sphere, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.110, No.19, 191102 (2017)
44.S Fu, T Wang, Z Zhang, Y Zhai, C GAO*,Non-diffractive Bessel-Gauss beams for the detection of rotating object free of obstructions, Opt.Exp. 25(17), 20098-20108, 2017
45.Q Na, C GAO*,Q Wang, et al, 1 kHz single-frequency 2.09 μm Ho:YAG ring laser, Applied Optics, 56(25),7075-7078, 2017
1.高春清,高明伟,高雪松,李家泽,魏光辉,具有轨道角动量的环形激光束发生器,专利号:ZL 2003 10121444.2
2.高春清,张晓娜,高明伟,赵严,李家泽,魏光辉,用于光纤水听器的1319nm低噪声单纵模固体激光器,专利号: ZL200510000627.8
4.高春清, 刘义东, 高明伟, 齐晓庆. 一种实现光束轨道角动量态叠加和调制的装置. 专利号: ZL200810102505.3.
5.高春清,刘义东,齐晓庆,一种测量光束轨道角动量谱的方法和装置,专利号:ZL 200810115598.3
6.高春清,刘义东,齐晓庆,一种可补偿偏振引起的强度变化的光束旋转装置和方法,专利号:ZL 200810222738.7
7.高春清,齐晓庆,刘义东,实现混合螺旋相位光束轨道角动量解调的方法和装置,专利号:ZL 200910086930.2
9.高春清,林志锋,高明伟,王然,张云山,郑岩,一种双波长混合泵浦的级联2um固体激光器,专利号: ZL 200910243143.4
10.高春清,张戈,齐晓庆,辛璟焘,一种基于光束轨道角动量的自由空间激光通信系统,专利号:ZL 201010208465.8
12.高春清,辛璟焘,王铮,利用渥拉斯特棱镜合束生成矢量光束的系统,专利号:ZL 201110240488.1
14.高春清,戴坤健,钟雷,王庆,一种用于测量涡旋光束的周期渐变光栅及测量方法, 专利号:ZL 201410573218.6
15. 高春清,付时尧,戴坤健,一种基于泰曼格林干涉仪的偏振合成矢量光束的方法与装置,专利号:ZL 2015 1 0069408.9