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    唐鑫博士,北京理工大学光电学院准聘教授,长期从事新型胶体量子点红外探测器及焦平面阵列的研究及系统开发工作,波段涵盖短波、中波以及长波等多个重要红外大气窗口。围绕胶体量子点的新型光电器件构筑、掺杂调控以及光学吸收增强等难题,进行了全面探索并取得了一系列突破性研究成果。主持多项省部级以上项目,包括国家自然科学基金重点项目(大阵列焦平面多色成像,62035004)、北京理工大学特立青年学者人才支持计划等项目。相关成果以第一作者/通讯作者发表于Nature Photonics、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano等期刊上。目前担任Coatings期刊客座编辑及Nature Photonics等期刊审稿人。


    1. Coatings期刊 客座编辑;
    2. Nature Photonics、ACS Photonics等期刊审稿人。

    1.Xin Tang, Matthew M. Ackerman, Menglu Chen, and Philippe Guyot‐Sionnest. " Dual-band Infrared Imaging using Stacked Colloidal Quantum-dot Photodiodes." Nature Photonics (2019): DOI: 10.1038/s41566-019-0362-1.
    2.Xin Tang, Menglu Chen, Matthew Ackerman, Christopher Melnychuk, and Philippe Guyot-Sionnest. "Direct Imprinting of Quasi-3D Nanophotonic Structures into Colloidal Quantum-Dot Devices." Advanced Materials, 2020. 
    3.Xin Tang, Matthew M. Ackerman, and Philippe Guyot-Sionnest. "Thermal imaging with plasmon resonance enhanced HgTe colloidal quantum dot photovoltaic devices." ACS nano 12.7 (2018): 7362-7370.
    4.Xin Tang, Matthew M. Ackerman, and Philippe Guyot‐Sionnest."Acquisition of Hyperspectral Data with Colloidal Quantum Dots." Laser & Photonics Reviews (2019), DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201900165.
    5.Xin Tang, and King Wai Chiu Lai. "Graphene/HgTe Quantum-dot Photodetectors with Gate-tunable Infrared Response." ACS Applied Nano Materials (2019), DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.9b01587
    6.Xin Tang, Menglu Chen, Ananth Kamath, Matthew Ackerman, and Philippe Guyot-Sionnest. “Colloidal Quantum-Dots/Graphene/Silicon Dual-Channel Detection of Visible Light and Short-Wave Infrared” ACS Photonics, 2020
    7.Xin Tang, Matthew M. Ackerman, Guohua Shen, and Philippe Guyot‐Sionnest. "Towards Infrared Electronic Eyes: Flexible Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaic Detectors Enhanced by Resonant Cavity." Small (2019): 1804920.
    8.Ackerman, Matthew M.#, Xin Tang#, and Philippe Guyot-Sionnest. "Fast and sensitive colloidal quantum dot mid-wave infrared photodetectors." ACS nano 12.7 (2018): 7264-7271. (# Equal contribution)
    9.Xin Tang, Guangfu Wu, and King Wai Chiu Lai. “Twisted Graphene-assisted Photocarrier Transfer from HgSe Colloidal Quantum Dots into Silicon with Enhanced Collection and Transport Efficiency.” Applied physics letters, 110.24 (2017): 241104.
    10.Xin Tang, Guangfu Wu, and King Wai Chiu Lai. “Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Colloidal HgSe Quantum Dots Filterless Narrowband Photodetectors for Mid-wave Infrared.” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5.2 (2017): 362-369.
    11.Xin Tang, Xiaobing Tang, and King Wai Chiu Lai. “Scalable Fabrication of Infrared Detectors with Multi-spectral Photoresponse based on Patterned Colloidal Quantum-dot Films.” ACS Photonics, 3.12 (2016): 2396-2404. 
    12.Xin Tang, and King Wai Chiu Lai. “Substrate Effect on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Based Nanolithography of Graphene.” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 15. 4 (2016): 607-613. 
    13.Xin Tang, Hengkai Zhang, Xiaobing Tang, and King Wai Chiu Lai. “Photoresponse Enhancement in Graphene/silicon Infrared Detector by Controlling Photocarrier Collection.” Materials Research Express, 3.7 (2016): 076203. 
    14.Philippe Guyot-Sionnest, Matthew M. Ackerman, and Xin Tang. "Colloidal quantum dots for infrared detection beyond silicon.", Journal of Chemical Physics. 151(2019): 060901. (Invited Review)
    15.Chen, M.; Lan, X.; Xin Tang; Wang, Y.; Hudson, M. H.; Talapin, D. V.; Guyot-Sionnest, P. "High Carrier Mobility in HgTe Quantum Dot Solids Improves Mid-IR Photodetectors." ACS Photonics 2019, 6 (9), 2358–2365. 
    16.Guangfu Wu, Xin Tang, Wengang Ji, King Wai Chiu Lai and Qingxiao Tong. “A Turn-on Fluorescent Probe Based on Coumarin-anhydride for Highly Sensitive Detection of Hydrazine in the Aqueous Solution and Gas State.” Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 5.1 (2017): 015001.
    17.Wu, Guangfu, Xin Tang, M. Meyyappan, and King Wai Chiu Lai. "Doping effects of surface functionalization on graphene with aromatic molecule and organic solvents." Applied Surface Science 425 (2017): 713-721.
    18.Sheng Bi, Xiao Zeng and Xin Tang and Shujia Qin and King Wai Chiu Lai. “Compressive Video Recovery Using Block Match Multi-Frame Motion Estimation Based on Single Pixel Cameras.” Sensors, 16.3(2016): 318.
    19.Guangfu Wu, Qi Gao, Mingxin Li, Xin Tang, King Wai Chiu Lai and Qingxiao Tong. "A ratiometric probe based on coumarin-quinoline for highly selective and sensitive detection of Zn2+ ions in living cells." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry (2017).
    20.Wu, Guangfu, Ziwen Dai, Xin Tang, Zihong Lin, Pik Kwan Lo, Meyya Meyyappan, and King Wai Chiu Lai. "Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Escherichia coli Using Pyrene-Tagged DNA Aptamer." Advanced healthcare materials 6, no. 19 (2017): 1700736. 

